Applications of the vortex-surface field to flow visualization, modelling and simulation


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We review the progress on the applications of the vortex-surface field (VSF). The VSF isosurface is a vortex surface consisting of vortex lines. Based on the generalized Helmholtz theorem, the VSF isosurfaces of the same threshold at different times have strong coherence. As a general flow diagnostic tool for studying vortex evolution, the numerical VSF solution is first constructed in a given flow field by solving a pseudo-transport equation driven by the instantaneous frozen vorticity, and then the VSF evolution is calculated by the two-time method. From the database of numerical simulations or experiments, the VSF can elucidate mechanisms in the flows with essential vortex dynamics, such as isotropic turbulence, wall flow transition, flow past a flapping plate and turbulence-flame interaction. The characterization of VSFs reveals the correlation between robust statistical features and the critical quantities needed to be predicted in engineering applications, such as the friction coefficient in transition, thrust in bio-propulsion and growth rate in interface instability. Since the VSF evolution captures the essential Lagrangian-based dynamics of vortical flows, it inspires novel numerical methods on cutting-edge hardware, e.g. graphic and quantum processors.
Vortex dynamics,Turbulence theory,Topological fluid dynamics
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