Ceftriaxone Efficacy for Mycobacterium avium Complex Lung Disease in the Hollow Fiber and Translation to Sustained Sputum Culture Conversion in Patients

The Journal of infectious diseases(2023)

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Background Only 35.6%-50.8% of patients with Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) pulmonary disease achieve sustained sputum culture conversion (SSCC) on treatment with the azithromycin-ethambutol-rifabutin standard of care (SOC). We tested the efficacy of ceftriaxone, a beta-lactam with a lung-to-serum penetration ratio of 12.18-fold.Methods We mimicked lung concentration-time profiles of 7 ceftriaxone once-daily doses for 28 days in the hollow fiber system model of intracellular MAC (HFS-MAC). Monte Carlo experiments were used for dose selection. We also compared once-daily ceftriaxone monotherapy to 3-drug SOC against 5 MAC clinical isolates in HFS-MAC using gamma (kill) slopes, and translated to SSCC rates.
.Results Ceftriaxone killed 1.02-3.82 log(10) colony-forming units (CFU)/mL, at optimal dose of 2 g once-daily. Ceftriaxone killed all 5 strains below day 0 versus 2 of 5 for SOC. The median gamma (95% confidence interval [CI]) was 0.49 (.47-.52) log(10) CFU/mL/day for ceftriaxone and 0.38 (.34-.43) log(10) CFU/mL/day for SOC. In patients, the SOC was predicted to achieve SSCC rates (CI) of 39.3% (36%-42%) at 6 months. The SOC SSCC was 50% at 8.18 (3.64-27.66) months versus 3.58 (2.20-7.23) months for ceftriaxone, shortening time to SSCC 2.35-fold.Conclusions Ceftriaxone is a promising agent for creation of short-course chemotherapy.
gamma slope,extinction mathematics,sustained sputum culture conversion,virtual clinical trials
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