Power System Static Voltage Stability Risk Assessment Considering Load Type and Uncertainty

2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Technology, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (ICIBA)(2023)

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In this paper, a risk assessment method based on modeling of load type and uncertainty is proposed for power system steady operation analysis. Composite load model are equivalently transformed to incorporate the impact of load type into conductance matrix. Correlated fluctuation is investigated by fuzzy clustering method, and a load model is proposed to simulate uncertainty in loading trajectory from current operating state to the critical point. To determine load buses realistically, a comparability identify system including correlation coefficient and mutual information indexes is proposed. Above models are inserted into the continuation power flow algorithm combined with Monte Carlo method. The integrated risk assessment method is examined on 57 bus system. Risk ranking list and graphic results under different load types are presented and analyzed to verify validity and effectiveness of proposed method.
load uncertainty modeling,mutual information,probability hyper cone model,risk assessment,static voltage stability
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