Advancing Fault-Tolerant Learning-Oriented Control for Unmanned Aerial Systems

Moh Kamalul Wafi, Rozhin Hajian,Bahram Shafai,Milad Siami

2023 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT)(2023)

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The rapid advancement of automatic control technology has sparked significant interest among researchers in creating more reliable and simplified models of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This interest is motivated by the need to enhance the performance and resilience of these systems in challenging conditions, such as wind gusts and adverse weather. This paper presents novel strategies for enhancing the resilience of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) with fault-tolerant control (FTC) by learning-oriented control and a constructive fault estimation with Proportional-Integral (PI) observer. The learning-control is deep-deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) which is trained in only one state but used beyond its environment for other states to control. The faults are designed in three divergent conditions and the augmented PI observer is responsible in capturing them. The success of estimating the faults is used for this FTC to compensate the faulty system with learning-oriented control as the advancement of the FTC. The proposed approach has the potential to enhance the performance and resilience of UAVs, thus contributing to the development of more robust and reliable systems.
augmented PI observer,automatic control technology,constructive fault estimation,deep-deterministic policy gradient,fault-tolerant control,fault-tolerant learning-oriented control,faulty system,FTC,learning-control,Proportional-Integral observer,rapid advancement,reliable models,reliable systems,robust systems,UAVs,unmanned aerial systems,unmanned aerial vehicles
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