Integrating Computer Science into Middle School Curricula Through Storytelling: A Lesson Plan on Beaded Bags of the Columbia Plateau.

Barbara do Amaral,Brittany Terese Fasy, Olivia Firth,Stacey A. Hancock, Patrick Jeffers, Barbara Z. Komlos, Bradley McCoy,Sweeney Windchief

CompEd 2023: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Global Computing Education Vol 1(2023)

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We aim to bring computer science (CS) to rural and American Indian students by blending American Indian storytelling practices with the educational computer programming environment called Alice. The lessons we develop cover CS concepts within the framework of the Content Standards of our state, and the Essential Understandings of American Indians. In this paper, we describe the Plateau Indian Beaded Bags lesson plan, its implementation, and the results of a lesson pilot. In the Plateau Indian Beaded Bags lesson, students learn about the beadwork of Columbia River Plateau-centered tribes. After viewing a picture of a beaded bag with a scene depicting a man on a horse in front of a woman with a tipi in the background, students are asked to construct a story based on this image. They then translate their story into code to create an animation of the story in Alice. Through this hands-on experience, students engage in algorithmic problem solving while using their imagination and creativity, increasing their exposure to, and interest in, CS.
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