Regional variation in accessibility of automated external defibrillators in British Columbia.


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OBJECTIVES:Bystander-applied Automated External Defibrillators (AED) improve outcomes for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. AED placement is often driven by private enterprise or non-for-profit agencies, which may result in inequitable access. We sought to compare AED availability between four regions in British Columbia (BC). METHODS:We identified AEDs (confirmed to be operational) and emergency medical system (EMS)-treated out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) from provincial registries. We compared AED availability between BC's four most populous regions. The primary outcome was the total regional weekly accessible AED-hours per 100,000 population. We also examined: AEDs per 100,000 population and per km2, the ratio of AEDs to OHCA, and the distance from each OHCA to the closest AED. RESULTS:From provincial registries, we included 879 AEDs from BC's four most populous regions, where 9333 EMS-treated OHCA occurred over a 5-year period. The most common AED location types were stores, public community centres, and office buildings. Ten percent of AEDs were accessible for all hours. Weekly accessible AED-hours/100,000 population in the four regions were: 3845, 1734, 1594, and 1299. AEDs/100,000 population ranged from 22 to 48, and AEDs/km2 ranged from 0.0048 to 0.20. The number of OHCAs per AED per year ranged from 1.1 to 2.8. The median OHCA-to-closest AED distance ranged from 503 (IQR 244, 947) to 925 (IQR 455, 1501) metres. The regional mean accessibility of individual AEDs ranged between 59 and 79 h per week. CONCLUSION:BC's four most populous regions demonstrate substantial variability in AED accessibility. Further benefit could be derived from AEDs if placed in locations accessible all hours. Our data may encourage community planning efforts to use data-based strategies to systematically place AEDs in optimal locations with strategies to maximize accessibility.
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest,Automated external defibrillator,Cardiopulmonary resuscitation,Arret cardiaque hors hopital,Defibrillateur externe automatise,Reanimation cardiorespiratoire
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