Restoration of Cone Circuit Functionality in the Regenerating Adult Zebrafish Retina

Evelyn Abraham, Hella Hartmann,Takeshi Yoshimatsu, Tom Baden,Michael Brand


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Unlike humans, teleosts like zebrafish exhibit robust retinal regeneration after injury from endogenous stem cells. However, understanding the functional recovery of the regenerated retina remains a challenge. In particular, it is unclear if regenerating cone-photoreceptors can regain physiological function and integrate correctly into post-synaptic circuits. To bridge this gap, we employed two-photon calcium imaging of living retina, focusing on photoreceptor responses before and after an intense light-induced lesion in the adult zebrafish retina. To assess the functional recovery of cones and their downstream circuits, we exploited the colour opponency in adult zebrafish cones. We find that UV cones exhibit an intrinsic Off-response to short-wavelength blue light, but an On-response to longer-wavelength green light, which depends on feedback signals from outer retinal circuits. Accordingly, we examined the presence and quality of Off-versus On-responses, to assess the functional recovery of cones and their correct integration into outer retinal circuits. We find that regenerated UV cones regain both Off-responses to short-wavelength and On-responses to long-wavelength within 3 months after light lesion. Hence, physiological circuit functionality is restored in regenerated cone photoreceptors, suggesting that inducing endogenous regeneration is a promising strategy for human retinal repair. ![Figure][1] ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. [1]: pending:yes
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