Self-Relational Graph Convolution Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition

MM '23: Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia(2023)

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Using a Graph convolution network (GCN) for constructing and aggregating node features has been helpful for skeleton-based action recognition. The strength of the nodes' relation of an action sequence distinguishes it from other actions. This work proposes a novel spatial module called Multi-scale self-relational graph convolution (MS-SRGC) for dynamically modeling joint relations of action instances. Modeling the joints' relations is crucial in determining the spatial distinctiveness between skeleton sequences; hence MS-SRGC shows effectiveness for activity recognition. We also propose a Hybrid multi-scale temporal convolution network (HMS-TCN) that captures different ranges of time steps along the temporal dimension of the skeleton sequence. In addition, we propose a Spatio-temporal blackout (STB) module that randomly zeroes some continue frames for selected strategic joint groups. We sequentially stack our spatial (MS-SRGC) and temporal (HMS-TCN) modules to form a Self-relational graph convolution network (SR-GCN) block, which we use to construct our SR-GCN model. We append our STB on the SR-GCN model top for the randomized operation. With the effectiveness of ensemble networks, we perform extensive experiments on single and multiple ensembles. Our results beat the state-of-the-art methods on the NTU RGB-D, NTU RGB-D 120, and Northwestern-UCLA datasets.
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