Multispectral Object Detection via Cross-Modal Conflict-Aware Learning

MM '23: Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia(2023)

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Multispectral object detection has gained significant attention due to its potential in all-weather applications, particularly those involving visible (RGB) and infrared (IR) images. Despite substantial advancements in this domain, current methodologies primarily rely on rudimentary accumulation operations to combine complementary information from disparate modalities, overlooking the semantic conflicts that arise from the intrinsic heterogeneity among modalities. To address this issue, we propose a novel learning network, the Cross-modal Conflict-Aware Learning Network (CALNet), that takes into account semantic conflicts and complementary information within multi-modal input. Our network comprises two pivotal modules: the Cross-Modal Conflict Rectification Module (CCR) and the Selected Cross-modal Fusion (SCF) Module. The CCR module mitigates modal heterogeneity by examining contextual information of analogous pixels, thus alleviating multi-modal information with semantic conflicts. Subsequently, semantically coherent information is supplied to the SCF module, which fuses multi-modal features by assessing intra-modal importance to select semantically rich features and mining inter-modal complementary information. To assess the effectiveness of our proposed method, we develop a two-stream one-stage detector based on CALNet for multispectral object detection. Comprehensive experimental outcomes demonstrate that our approach considerably outperforms existing methods in resolving the cross-modal semantic conflict issue and achieving state-of-the-art accuracy in detection results.
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