ConvMHSA-SCVD: Enhancing Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection through a Knowledge-Driven and Data-Driven Framework

Mengliang Li,Xiaoxue Ren,Han Fu, Zhuo Li,Jianling Sun

2023 IEEE 34th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE)(2023)

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Smart contracts are essential for executing computing logic on blockchain networks. However, they are also susceptible to various vulnerabilities. In recent years, the detection of smart contract vulnerabilities has become a significant concern due to the substantial losses caused by hacker attacks. Traditional vulnerability detection approaches rely on expert rules, which often suffer from limitations in accuracy and completeness. Deep learning-based methods offer better coverage of vulnerabilities but may overlook certain vulnerability characteristics and suffer from overfitting during training. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called ConvMHSA-SCVD, which combines knowledge-driven and data-driven algorithms together to detect smart contract vulnerabilities. By incorporating feature selection, data balancing, and a combination of multi-channel convolution and multi-head self-attention neural networks, our ConvMHSA-SCVD achieves effective vulnerability detection in smart contracts. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art method in accuracy and F1 score, with improvements ranging from 0.4% to 3.84% and 1.28% to 1.90%, respectively.
Smart Contract,Blockchain,Vulnerability Detection,Convolutional Self-Attention Network
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