Feasibility and Measurement Value of Pancreatic 2-D Shear Wave Elastography in Healthy Adults: Evaluation, Influencing Factors, Reference Range, Measurement Stability and Reproducibility.

Ultrasound in medicine & biology(2023)

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OBJECTIVE:The present study was aimed at assessing the success rate and measurement value, determining the influencing factors and reference range and examining the intra-operator stability and inter-operator reproducibility of pancreatic 2-D shear wave elastography (SWE) measurement in healthy adults. METHODS:In 2022, 387 healthy adults were prospectively recruited. Logistic regression and linear regression analyses were used to explore the factors influencing the success rate and the measurement value of pancreatic 2-D SWE measurement, respectively. A two-sided 95% reference range was estimated accordingly. The intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated to evaluate the intra-operator stability and inter-operator reproducibility of the pancreatic 2-D SWE measurement. RESULTS:The pancreatic body (89.6%) bore the highest while the tail (72.8%) bore the lowest success rate of pancreatic 2-D SWE measurement. Sex and body mass index (BMI) were the independent factors influencing measurement success rate in all three parts of the pancreas. Mean measurement values (Emean) were not the same in the three parts of the pancreas of the same participant. BMI and image depth were the independent factors influencing Emean in the pancreatic body, while region of interest depth and BMI were the only independent factors influencing Emean in the pancreatic head and tail, respectively. The intra-operator stability of pancreatic 2-D SWE measurement was found to be excellent, whereas its inter-operator reproducibility was poor to good. CONCLUSION:Pancreatic 2-D SWE is a reliable technique for evaluating pancreatic stiffness in healthy adults, but its success rate and measurement value are influenced by multiple factors.
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