1869P First impressions: A prospective evaluation of patient comprehension and satisfaction in the communication of diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis following the initial medical oncology consultation

Y. Bach, E.D. Panov, O. Espin-Garcia,E. Chen,M.K. Krzyzanowska, G.M. O'Kane, M. Moore, R. Prince, J. Knox, R. Grant, L. Ma, M. Allen, L. Eng, T. Megid, R.W-J. Jang, E. Elimova

Annals of Oncology(2023)

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Despite the plethora of patient (pt) communication studies in the past decade, many of them include a diverse and heterogeneous pt and physician cohort. Thus, this single-centre prospective study aimed to measure gastrointestinal (GI) cancer pts' understanding of the information discussed during their first medical oncology visit and their satisfaction with the communication from subspecialized GI medical oncologists. Between January and August 2021, chemotherapy-naïve pts in the gastrointestinal clinic at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (PMCC), Toronto, Canada, were consecutively approached within 24 hours of their initial consultation to complete a paper-based questionnaire about their understanding of their cancer (diagnosis, treatment plan/intent, prognosis) and satisfaction with the communication. GI medical oncologists concurrently completed a similar questionnaire. Pt and physician responses were compared to assess the degree of concordance. Uni/multivariable analyses were performed to identify pt/physician-based factors associated with concordance levels and pt satisfaction. A total of 184 matched pt-physician surveys were completed. The concordance rates for understanding of diagnosis, treatment plan, treatment intent, and prognosis were 92.9%, 59.2%, 66.8%, and 59.8%, respectively. Pts who reported treatment intent to be unclear at the time of the consultation were independently associated with lower satisfaction scores compared to those who reported their treatment intent to be curative (p=0.014). There was no statistical significance between patient satisfaction and whether prognosis was disclosed (p=0.08).Table: 1869PN=184Fully concordant, n (%)Partially concordant, n (%)Fully discordant, n (%)Missing, n (%)Diagnosis171 (92.9)N/A10 (5.4)3 (1.6)Treatment Plan109 (59.2)75 (40.8)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)Treatment Intent123 (66.8)N/A55 (29.9)6 (3.3)Prognosis110 (59.8)N/A65 (35.3)9 (4.9) Open table in a new tab Pt understanding of treatment intent and prognosis after the first medical oncology consultation remain low. Further studies on the effectiveness of consultation aids in this setting are needed.
patient comprehension,oncology,prospective evaluation,consultation
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