Causal Understanding of Why Users Share Hate Speech on Social Media


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Hate speech on social media threatens the mental and physical well-being of individuals and is further responsible for real-world violence. An important driver behind the spread of hate speech and thus why hateful posts can go viral are reshares, yet little is known about why users reshare hate speech. In this paper, we present a comprehensive, causal analysis of the user attributes that make users reshare hate speech. However, causal inference from observational social media data is challenging, because such data likely suffer from selection bias, and there is further confounding due to differences in the vulnerability of users to hate speech. We develop a novel, three-step causal framework: (1) We debias the observational social media data by applying inverse propensity scoring. (2) We use the debiased propensity scores to model the latent vulnerability of users to hate speech as a latent embedding. (3) We model the causal effects of user attributes on users' probability of sharing hate speech, while controlling for the latent vulnerability of users to hate speech. Compared to existing baselines, a particular strength of our framework is that it models causal effects that are non-linear, yet still explainable. We find that users with fewer followers, fewer friends, and fewer posts share more hate speech. Younger accounts, in return, share less hate speech. Overall, understanding the factors that drive users to share hate speech is crucial for detecting individuals at risk of engaging in harmful behavior and for designing effective mitigation strategies.
hate speech,social media,causal understanding
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