"I Feel My Abs": Exploring Non-standing VR Locomotion.

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction(2023)

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Virtual Reality (VR) games and experiences predominantly have the users interact while standing or seated. However, this only represents a fraction of the full diversity of human movement. In this paper, we explore a novel non-standing approach to VR locomotion where the user performs locomotion movements in the air or only slightly touching the ground with their feet. For instance, the user may lie supine on the ground, reminiscent of the Bicycle Crunch, a core training movement common in Pilates and other forms of bodyweight exercise. Although this cannot generally replace traditional VR locomotion, it provides two benefits that we believe can be of use for specific application domains such as VR exergames: First, the user's lower body movement is not impeded by a small real-life space, allowing versatile navigation of large virtual worlds using walking, running, strafing, and jumping. Second, we allow new ways to activate parts of the body that remain passive in most existing VR interactions. We describe and discuss four different variants of the approach, and investigate two prototypes further in a qualitative user study, to better understand their strengths, weaknesses, and application potential.
VR,exergames,locomotion,virtual reality
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