Functional morphology in Odonata

DRAGONFLIES AND DAMSELFLIES, 2 EDITION: Model Organisms for Ecological and Evolutionary Research(2023)

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Insect tagmata are often simplified and assigned to a specific functionality: head (perception), thorax (movement), and abdomen (reproduction). However, in insects generally, all body regions show elaborate functionalities of very different kinds, often down to the nanometer level. It is likely that each part of the insect body provides a (multi)functional specialization. This chapter attempts to tackle the latest achievements in our understanding of functional morphological adaptations in both adult and larval odonates: from the head-arrester-system in adults to the predatory strike of the larvae; from the unique wings to the importance of the legs in the larval stage; and from the head-abdomen interlocking during mating to the swimming abilities of the aquatic larvae. It also attempts to highlight gaps of knowledge for potential future research where young odonatologists can (and should!) enter the field. Further on, functional singularities and curiosities of Odonata are described (as variations of the standard often hold new principles) to showcase the group describe some oup of Odonata as being fascinating model-organisms for functional and biomechanical research. This perspective often yields insights into unique solutions to cope with a constantly changing environment from one of the oldest insect orders.
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