Distilling ODE Solvers of Diffusion Models into Smaller Steps

CVPR 2024(2023)

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Distillation techniques have substantially improved the sampling speed of diffusion models, allowing of the generation within only one step or a few steps. However, these distillation methods require extensive training for each dataset, sampler, and network, which limits their practical applicability. To address this limitation, we propose a straightforward distillation approach, Distilled-ODE solvers (D-ODE solvers), that optimizes the ODE solver rather than training the denoising network. D-ODE solvers are formulated by simply applying a single parameter adjustment to existing ODE solvers. Subsequently, D-ODE solvers with smaller steps are optimized by ODE solvers with larger steps through distillation over a batch of samples. Our comprehensive experiments indicate that D-ODE solvers outperform existing ODE solvers, including DDIM, PNDM, DPM-Solver, DEIS, and EDM, especially when generating samples with fewer steps. Our method incur negligible computational overhead compared to previous distillation techniques, enabling simple and rapid integration with previous samplers. Qualitative analysis further shows that D-ODE solvers enhance image quality while preserving the sampling trajectory of ODE solvers.
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