Efficient Cloud Computing Resource Management Strategy Based on Auction Mechanism

Qian Chen,Xuan Wang, ZoeLin Jiang

2023 24st Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS)(2023)

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Cloud computing resource management has a crucial position in the cloud computing field, which directly affects the operational performance of various applications and enterprises’ operational efficiency and cost control. It is widely used in many fields, such as big data processing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. This paper proposes a resource management strategy for cloud computing based on one-price auction and two-price auction mechanisms. First, the critical problem of resource management in cloud computing is abstracted. The strategy based on the auction mechanism is proposed, which improves the space complexity to O(total_length+num_agents) compared with traditional dynamic planning. Secondly, this paper compares the actual computation time of the three methods using polynomial regression, which saves 80% in computation time compared to the dynamic planning algorithm. Finally, the auction mechanism improves the resource allocation rate by 11.93%, while the bivalent auction mechanism reduces the additional cost of computing resources in the cloud platform by 13.89%.
Cloud Computing,Auction Mechanism,Dynamic Programming,Optimization Problem
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