NVMe-Driven Lazy Cache Coherence for Immutable Data with NVMe over Fabrics

Tuan Anh Nguyen, Hyeongjun Jeon,Daegyu Han,Duck-Ho Bae, Young Jin Yu,Kyeungpyo Kim, Sungsoon Park,Jinkyu Jeong,Beomseok Nam

2023 IEEE 16th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD)(2023)

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In this work, we explore opportunities to design shared storage systems that leverage the distance connectivity of NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF). NVMe-oF enables the use of NVMe storage devices in a shared storage environment, where multiple servers can access the same storage device via RDMA. Leveraging the distance connectivity of NVMe-oF, we develop a shared file system called EXT4-oF by extending the EXT4 file system. EXT4-oF uses RDMA to enable a local file system to function as a shared file system without requiring remote daemon processes. EXT4-oF employs a novel NVMe-driven lazy cache coherence to maintain cache coherence of file system metadata across multiple compute nodes upon creating new files, all achieved without the need for any daemon processes. To ensure cache coherence, NVMe-driven lazy cache coherence mechanism requires compute nodes to perform a re-read of NVMe-oF to avoid false negative file open errors. Through our experiments, we demonstrate that EXT4-oF improves the performance of MinIO by minimizing network traffic between compute and storage nodes and eliminating the need for TCP/IP communication during remote reads.
NVMe oF,Filesystem Consistency,MinIO,Immutable Data
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