Health equity in action: using community-engaged research to update an intervention promoting a healthy home food environment to Black/African American families

Cancer causes & control : CCC(2023)

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Purpose Describe the method for conducting community-engaged research to identify needed changes for an existing evidence-based intervention, and prepare it for implementation in a community setting within the Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center catchment area in an effort to achieve more equitable outcomes in diet-related disease risk factors. Methods The intervention, Family Eats, was developed over 10 years ago. It works directly with parents of Black/African American 9–12 year old children to create a healthy home food environment to support prevention of obesity and related cancers. Data collection with community stakeholders occurred through a series of Community Advisory Board (CAB) meetings guided by the Delphi Technique, an iterative approach for gaining group consensus on a topic. Results Key information on needed changes and potential implementation strategies were identified. Perceived level of engagement among CAB members was high overall and in terms of both quantity and quality. Conclusion The Delphi Technique shows promise as a method for conducting community-engaged research that promotes engagement and identifies key information needed to adapt and implement an existing intervention in a community setting.
healthy home food environment,health,intervention,families,community-engaged
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