Orchestrating Measurement-Based Quantum Computation over Photonic Quantum Processors

2023 60th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)(2023)

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Quantum computing has rapidly evolved in recent years and has established its supremacy in many application domains. While matter-based qubit platforms such as superconducting qubits have received the most attention so far, there is a rising interest in photonic qubits lately, which show advantages in parallelism, speed, and scalability. Photonic qubits are best served by the paradigm of measurement-based quantum computation (MBQC). To deliver the promise of measurement-based photonic quantum computing (MBPQC), the photon cluster state depth and photon utilization are two of the most important metrics. However, little attention has been paid to optimizing the depth and utilization when mapping quantum circuits to the photon clusters. In this paper, we propose a compiler framework that achieves automatic and dynamic depth and utilization optimizations. Our approach consists of an MBPQC mapping mechanism that maps optimized measurement patterns on a cluster state and a cluster state pruning strategy that removes all possible redundancies without impacting the circuit functions. Experimental results on five quantum benchmark with three different qubit numbers indicate our approach achieves an average of 63.4% cluster depth reduction and 22.8% photon utilization improvements.
Quantum Computer,Compiler
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