Glucose-induced and ChREBP: MLX-mediated lipogenic program promotes hepatocellular carcinoma development


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The Carbohydrate Response Element (ChoRE) Binding Protein (ChREBP) and its binding partner Max-like protein X (MLX) mediate transcription of lipogenic genes under glucose-rich conditions. Dysregulation of glucose and lipid metabolism frequently occurs in cancers, including Hepatocellular Carcinomas (HCCs). However, it is currently unclear whether the glucose-induced lipogenic program plays a role in the development of HCCs. Here, we show that MLX expression is elevated in HCC specimens and downregulation of MLX expression inhibits proliferation of HCC cells. In mice, liver-specific knockout of Mlx results in dramatic decrease in the expression of lipogenic genes and lipid levels in circulation. Interestingly, in the absence of Mlx , the development of tumors in multiple HCC models, such as diethylnitrosamine (DEN) treatment and hydrodynamic injection of oncogenes (AKT/RAS or CTNNB1/RAS), is robustly blocked. However, a high-fat diet can partially restore tumorigenesis in Mlx -deficient livers, indicating a critical role of lipid synthesis in HCC development. In addition, liver-specific expression of a dominant negative MLX (dnMLX) via adeno-associated virus effectively blocks tumorigenesis in mice. Thus, the glucose-induced lipogenic program is required in the development of HCC, and the ChREBP: MLX transcription factors serve as a potential target for cancer therapies.
hepatocellular carcinoma,lipogenic program,chrebp,glucose-induced,mlx-mediated
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