Tree-IDS: An Incremental Intrusion Detection System for Connected Vehicles.

IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks(2023)

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The rapid development of Internet of Vehicles technology has led to the continuous upgrading of the functions of connected vehicles. While connected vehicles bring convenience to people’s life, there are also many security threats. Connected vehicles not only have intra-vehicle networks communication, but also communicate with the external network. The diversity of communication methods makes the attack surface wider, and some new attacks are constantly emerging. In order to ensure vehicle security, This paper focuses on the attacks that are vulnerable to vehicles, and proposes an incremental intrusion detection system, which can not only detect attacks, but also incrementally learn new types of attacks. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed system can incrementally learn new attacks and avoid catastrophic forgetting problems, and can detect various types of known attacks with 99.99% accuracy on the Car-Hacking Dataset and 99.37% accuracy on the CICIDS2017.
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