Comparison review on LIDAR technologies vs. RADAR technologies in speed enforcement system

Pers. Ubiquitous Comput.(2023)

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Traffic accidents are continuously rising in many countries all over the world. Violation of road safety regulations and traffic laws is one of major reason to this increasing trend. Existing intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to date are accurately enforcing safe municipal speed limits using enforcement technology solutions. The systems for automated traffic enforcement emerged in the last decade. Automated enforcement technologies provide opportunity to remotely capture images of drivers violating laws. RADAR/LIDAR-based tools are used to determine the speed of vehicles. Choosing the right speed detection technology is an area of significant concern for transportation agencies. This paper presents a comparison review of the use of LIDAR technologies vs. RADAR technologies in traffic enforcement systems. The current trend suggests an inclination toward LIDAR technology because of many advantages, particularly its precise identification of violators; especially, this functionality is being required in case of new travel modes (such e-bikes and e-scooty) emerged in urban areas. However, the objectives and available resources of enforcement programs are key factors that may result in growth in relation to demand for both types of technologies.
Road safety,Automated enforcement,Traffic enforcement,Speed,LIDAR,RADAR
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