Evolution of highly anisotropic magnetism in the titanium-based kagome metals LnTi_3Bi_4 (Ln: La...Gd^3+, Eu^2+, Yb^2+)

Brenden R. Ortiz,Hu Miao,David S. Parker, Fazhi Yang, German D. Samolyuk,Eleanor M. Clements, Anil Rajapitamahuni, Turgut Yilmaz, Elio Vescovo,Jiaqiang Yan,Andrew F. May,Michael A. McGuire


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Here we present the family of titanium-based kagome metals of the form LnTi_3Bi_4 (Ln: La...Gd^3+, Eu^2+, Yb^2+). Single crystal growth methods are presented alongside detailed magnetic and thermodynamic measurements. The orthorhombic (Fmmm) LnTi_3Bi_4 family of compounds exhibit slightly distorted titanium-based kagome nets interwoven with zig-zag lanthanide-based (Ln) chains. Crystals are easily exfoliated parallel to the kagome sheets and angular resolved photoemission (ARPES) measurements highlight the intricacy of the electronic structure in these compounds, with Dirac points existing at the Fermi level. The magnetic properties and the associated anisotropy emerge from the quasi-1D zig-zag chains of Ln, and impart a wide array of magnetic ground states ranging from anisotropic ferromagnetism to complex antiferromagnetism with a cascade of metamagnetic transitions. Kagome metals continue to provide a rich direction for the exploration of magnetic, topologic, and highly correlated behavior. Our work here introduces the LnTi_3Bi_4 compounds to augment the continuously expanding suite of complex and interesting kagome materials.
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