Transport properties of Fe60Al40 during the B2 to A2 structural phase transition

Serhii Sorokin,Md. Shadab Anwar,Gregor Hlawacek, R. Boucher, João Salgado-Cabaco, К. Potzger,J. Lindner, J. Faßbender,Rantej Bali

New Journal of Physics(2023)

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Abstract The variation of transport behavior in a mesoscopic F e 60 A l 40 wire, initially possessing the ordered B 2 -phase structure, has been observed while inducing a phase transition to the disordered A 2 phase. Gradual disordering was achieved using a highly focused beam of N e + -ions. Both electrical resistance and anomalous Hall effect were measured simultaneously and in situ during the local ion irradiation. The normal as well as the Hall resistivity show a peak as a function of disorder. The relationship between Hall resistivity and normal resistivity shows the presence of two distinct transport regimes during the phase transition. Ex situ field- and temperature-dependence measurements show that it is necessary to consider the effect of scattering from magnetic clusters to understand these different regimes in transport properties.
fe60al40,structural phase transition,transport properties,b2
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