Saturation Genome Editing Resolves the Functional Spectrum of PathogenicVHLAlleles

Megan Buckley, Christina M. Kajba, Natalie Forrester, Chloé Terwagne,Chelsea Sawyer,Scott T.C. Shepherd, Joachim De Jonghe,Phoebe Dace,Samra Turajlic, Gregory M. Findlay

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2023)

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ABSTRACT To maximize the impact of precision medicine approaches, it is critical to accurately identify genetic variants in cancer-associated genes with functional consequences. Yet, our knowledge of rare variants conferring clinically relevant phenotypes and the mechanisms through which they act remains highly limited. A tumor suppressor gene exemplifying the challenge of variant interpretation is VHL . VHL encodes an E3 ubiquitin ligase that regulates the cellular response to hypoxia. Germline pathogenic variants in VHL predispose patients to tumors including clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) and pheochromocytoma, and somatic VHL mutations are frequently observed in sporadic renal cancer. Here, we optimize and apply Saturation Genome Editing (SGE) to assay nearly all possible single nucleotide variants (SNVs) across VHL ’s coding sequence. To delineate mechanisms, we quantify mRNA dosage effects over time and compare effects in isogenic cell lines. Function scores for 2,268 VHL SNVs identify a core set of pathogenic alleles driving ccRCC with perfect accuracy, inform differential risk across tumor types, and reveal novel mechanisms by which variants impact function. These results have immediate utility for classifying VHL variants encountered in both germline testing and tumor profiling and illustrate how precise functional measurements can resolve pleiotropic and dosage-dependent genotype-phenotype relationships across complete genes.
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