Characterization of sandalwood ( E,E )-α-farnesene synthase whose overexpression enhances cold tolerance through jasmonic acid biosynthesis and signaling in Arabidopsis


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Main conclusion Santalum album ( E,E )-α-farnesene synthase catalyzes FPP into ( E,E )-α-farnesene. Overexpression of the SaAFS gene positively improved cold stress tolerance through JA biosynthesis and signaling pathways in Arabidopsis . Abstract Volatile terpenoids are released from plants that suffer negative effects following exposure to various biotic and abiotic stresses. Recent studies revealed that ( E,E )-α-farnesene synthase (AFS) plays a significant role in a plant’s defence against biotic attack. However, little is known about whether AFS contributes to plant resistance to cold stress. In this study, a SaAFS gene was isolated from Indian sandalwood ( Santalum album L.) and functionally characterized. The SaAFS protein mainly converts farnesyl diphosphate to ( E,E )-α-farnesene. SaAFS was clustered into the AFS clade from angiosperms, suggesting a highly conserved enzyme. SaAFS displayed a significant response to cold stress and methyl jasmonate. SaAFS overexpression (OE) in Arabidopsis enhanced cold tolerance by increasing proline content, reducing malondialdehyde content, electrolyte leakage, and accumulating reactive oxygen species. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that upregulated genes related to stress response and JA biosynthesis and signaling were detected in SaAFS -OE lines compared with wild type plants that were exposed to cold stress. Endogenous JA and jasmonoyl-isoleucine content increased significantly in SaAFS -OE lines exposed to cold stress. Collectively considered, these results suggest that the SaAFS gene is a positive regulator during cold stress tolerance via JA biosynthesis and signaling pathways.
Cold tolerance,(E,E)-Farnesene synthase,Jasmonate signaling,Santalum album,Terpene synthase
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