Reducing Latency of DAG-based Consensus in the Asynchronous Setting via the UTXO Model

2023 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Sustainable Computing & Communications, Social Computing & Networking (ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom)(2023)

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DAG-based consensus has attracted significant interest due to its high throughput in asynchronous network settings. However, existing protocols such as DAG-rider (Keidar et al., PODC 2021) and ``Narwhal and Tusk'' (Danezis et al., Eurosys 2022) face two undesired practical issues: (1) high transaction latency and (2) high cost to verify transaction outcomes. To address (1), this work introduces a novel commit rule based on the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) Data Model, which allows a node to predict the transaction results before triggering the commitment. We propose a new consensus algorithm named ``Board and Clerk'', which reduces the transaction latency by half for roughly 50% of transactions. As the tolerance for faults escalates, more transactions can partake in this latency reduction. In addition, we also propose the Hyper-Block Model with two flexible proposing strategies to tackle (2): blocking and non-blocking. Using our proposed strategies, each node first predicts the transaction results if its proposal is committed and packs this result as a commitment in its proposal. The hyper-block packs the signature of the proposal and the outputs of the consensus layer together in order to prove the transaction results.
Consensus,Byzantine Fault Tolerant,UTXO
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