Commentary to deep learning based automatic quantification of urethral plate characteristics using the plate objective scoring tool (POST).

Journal of pediatric urology(2023)

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The concept of scoring the urethral plate in distal hypospadias using the plate objective scoring tool (POST) is derived from the identification of key glans landmarks to optimize the choice of one of three techniques for distal hypospadias repair. In ‘Deep Learning Based Automatic Quantification of Urethral Plate Characteristics Using the Plate Objective Scoring Tool (POST)’, the authors present work developing a machine learning (ML) tool to derive the POST score from digital images of the distal hypospadias glans 1 Abbas T. Mohamed A. Khalil I. et al. Deep learning based on automatic quantification of urethral plate characteristics using the Plate Objective Scoring Tool (POST). J Ped Urol. 2023; (in press) Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF Scopus (0) Google Scholar . Deep learning based automated quantification of urethral plate characteristics using the plate objective scoring tool (POST)Journal of Pediatric UrologyPreviewThe plate objective scoring tool (POST) was recently introduced as a reproducible and precise approach to quantifying urethral plate (UP) characteristics and guide to selecting particular surgical techniques. However, defining the landmarks mandatory for the POST score from captured images can potentially leads to variability. Although artificial intelligence (AI) is yet to be wholly accepted and explored in hypospadiology, it has certainly brought new possibilities to light. Full-Text PDF
urethral plate characteristics,deep learning,objective scoring tool
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