Role of circ-FOXO3 and miR-23a in radiosensitivity of breast cancer

Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)(2023)

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Identifying the radiosensitivity of cells before radiotherapy (RT) in breast cancer (BC) patients allows appropriate switching between routinely used treatment regimens and reduces adverse side effects in exposed patients. In this study, blood was collected from 60 women diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) BC and 20 healthy women. To predict cellular radiosensitivity, a standard G2-chromosomal assay was performed. From these 60 samples, 20 BC patients were found to be radiosensitive based on the G2 assay. Therefore, molecular studies were finally performed on two equal groups (20 samples each) of patients with and without cellular radiosensitivity. QPCR was performed to examine the expression levels of circ-FOXO3 and miR-23a in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and RNA sensitivity and specificity were determined by plotting Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. Binary logistic regression was performed to identify RNA involvement in BC and cellular radiosensitivity (CR) in BC patients. Meanwhile, qPCR was used to compare differential RNA expression in the radiosensitive MCF-7 and radioresistant MDA-MB-231 cell lines. An annexin -V FITC/PI binding assay was used to measure cell apoptosis 24 and 48 h after 2 Gy, 4 Gy, and 8 Gy gamma-irradiation. Results indicated that circ-FOXO3 was downregulated and miR-23a was upregulated in BC patients. RNA expression levels were directly associated with CR. Cell line results showed that circ-FOXO3 overexpression induced apoptosis in the MCF-7 cell line and miR-23a overexpression inhibited apoptosis in the MDA-MB-231 cell line. Evaluation of the ROC curves revealed that both RNAs had acceptable specificity and sensitivity in predicting CR in BC patients. Binary logistic regression showed that both RNAs were also successful in predicting breast cancer. Although only circ-FOXO3 has been shown to predict CR in BC patients, circ-FOXO3 may function as a tumor suppressor and miR-23a may function as oncomiR in BC. Circ-FOXO3 and miR-23a may be promising potential biomarkers for BC prediction. Furthermore, Circ-FOXO3 could be a potential biomarker for predicting CR in BC patients.
Breast cancer,G2 assay,Cellular radiosensitivity,Circ-FOXO3,miR-23a
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