A New Highly Stable Multi-Decade Satellite Climate Data Set Derived from Polar Hyperspectral Infrared Sensors

Chris Hepplewhite,Larrabee Strow, Howard Motteler, Sergio de Souza-Machad, Steven Buczkowski


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<p>NASA's Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) started the continuous measurement of the Earth's upwelling infrared radiation at high spectral resolution in Sept. 2002 in a 13:30 polar orbit. &#160;The AIRS record was supplemented by the CrIS sensor flying on the NASA SNPP platform, also in the 13:30 polar orbit, in 2012. &#160;In 2018 a second CrIS sensor on NOAA's JPSS-1 platform (NOAA-20) began operation, also in the 13:30 orbit. &#160;Two more CrIS sensors are presently being procured for the JPSS-2 and 3 satellites, which will extend this record from 2002 through ~2040. &#160;EUMETSAT's METOP-A/B/C provide very similar hyperspectral observations starting with the IASI sensors in the 09:30 orbit, starting in 2007, which will be continued with METOP-SG for years to come. &#160;</p><p>Inter-calibration of all of the operating sensors shows agreement generally to 0.2K or better in brightness temperature. &#160;More importantly, we have shown that the radiometric stability of the AIRS sensors is in the 0.002 K/year range or 0.02K/decade, based on measurements of CO2 and SST trends. &#160; Similar stability is expected for CrIS and IASI. &#160;Community consensus suggests that direct radiance trending, followed by conversion of these trends to geophysical quantities will yield the most accurate climate trends. &#160;</p><p>Here we introduce a new satellite hyperspectral infrared radiance product we call the "Climate Hyperspectral InfraRed Product (CHIRP)" that combines AIRS, CrIS, and IASI into a homogeneous Level 1 radiance product with a common spectral response and channel centers for all three satellites. &#160;This grid is equivalent to an interferometer with optical path differences of 0.8/0.6/0.4 cm for the long-wave/mid-wave/short-wave spectral bands. &#160;This corresponds to a virtual instrument with the same spectral resolution of the JPSS-1 CrIS sensor in the long-wave, with 25/50% degradation in spectral resolution in the mid-wave/short-wave. &#160;This choice allows accurate conversion of the long AIRS record to an equivalent interferometer record. &#160;Conversion of IASI to CHIRP is trivial. &#160;Conversion of all sensors to the CHIRP spectra grid permits simple adjustments of inter-satellite radiometric bias differences since all measurements are first converted to a common spectral grid. &#160;Multiple methods (SNOs, statistical inter-comparisons) indicate these adjustments can be made to the 0.03K level or better. &#160;&#160;</p><p>A sample application of CHIRP to climate trending will be given by showing multi-decade anomalies of temperature, humidity, and ozone profiles retrieved from CHIRP radiance anomalies, a retrieval that requires almost no a-priori information. &#160;This data set should yield definitive measurements of water-vapor feedback and heavily contribute to our understanding of both tropospheric and stratospheric temperature trends. &#160; Initial production of CHIRP radiances that combine AIRS and CrIS are expected to begin in late 2020. &#160;</p>
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