Three-dimensional imaging of the Mérida Andes, Venezuela


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<p>The M&#233;rida Andes are a 100 km wide mountain chain that extends from the Colombian/Venezuelan border to the Caribbean coast. To the north and south, the M&#233;rida Andes are bound by hydrocarbon-rich sedimentary basins. Uplift of the mountains started in the late Miocene due to oblique convergence of the Caribbean and South American tectonic plates and the north-eastwards expulsion of the North Andean Block (NAB). This tectonic interaction fostered major strike-slip fault systems, with associated high seismicity, and the partitioning of the North Andean Block into smaller tectonic units, whose interaction accelerated the uplift of the M&#233;rida Andes since the Plio-Pleistocene.</p><p>We present the three-dimensional inversion results of broadband magnetotelluric (MT) data from 72 sites gathered along a 240 km long profile across the central part of the MA, the Maracaibo (MB), and Barinas-Apure (BAB) foreland basins. Directionality and dimensionality analyses suggested 3D structures for the MA section, with the induction vectors indicating off-profile structures, particularly at long periods. Since the distribution of sites predominantly along a single profile can have adverse effects on the outcome of the 3D inversion, we rigorously tested all model features for robustness and excluded artefacts.</p><p>One of the main findings is a deep connection (> 10km) between the most prominent faults of the MA, the Valera and Bocon&#243; fault systems, with a deep off-profile conductor to the east of our profile. We interpret this conductive structure as a detachment surface of the Trujillo Block, which is part of the NAB and whose expulsion to the NE significantly influences the present-day geodynamic evolution of western Venezuela. A conductive zone under the Maracaibo Basin correlates spatially with the location of a Bouguer low. Both geophysical anomalies may be caused by a SE tilt of the Maracaibo Triangular Block under the M&#233;rida Andes, bound by the north-western thrust system which could reach depths of 30 km.</p>
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