
Quantifying Teleconnection pathways leading to Low Rainfall anomalies during Boreal Summer in Indonesian Borneo


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<p>Teleconnections are sources of predictability for regional weather and climate, which can be represented by causal relationships between climate features in physically separated regions. In this study, teleconnections of low rainfall anomalies in Indonesian Borneo are analysed and quantified using causal inference theory and causal networks. Causal hypotheses are first developed based on climate model experiments in literature and then justified by means of partial regression analysis between NCEP reanalysis sea surface temperatures and climate indices (drivers) and rainfall data in Indonesian Borneo from various sources (target variable). We find that, as previous studies have highlighted, El Ni&#241;o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has a profound effect on rainfall in Indonesia Borneo, with positive Ni&#241;o 3.4 index serving as a direct driver of low rainfall, also partially through reduced sea surface temperatures (SSTs) over Indonesian waters. On the other hand, while Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) influences Indonesian Borneo rainfall through SSTs over the same area as a thermodynamic effect, its remaining effect has shifted at multidecadal timescale, opening the rooms for further research. This work informs the potential of a systematic causal approach to statistical inference as a powerful tool to verify and explore atmospheric teleconnections and enables seasonal forecasting to strengthen prevention and control of drought and fire multihazards over peatlands in the study region.</p><p>Keywords: Tropical teleconnections, Causal inference, Climate variability, Drought, Indonesia</p>
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