Learning the Structure of Commands by Detecting Random Tokens Using Markov Model


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Learning the syntax and structure of command-line commands is of utmost importance in the field of cyber security to identify valid and malicious sets of commands. It is hard to learn the syntax and structure of every command because of various reasons, such as the continuous evolution of commands, precise syntax requirement, huge volume of available commands, and no room for errors, etc. In this research work, we studied two approaches to learning the structure of the commands by detecting the random tokens in them, such as temp files, temp directories, numerical values, etc. In the first approach, we write hard-coded regular expressions to identify random tokens in a command whereas in the second approach we trained a second-order Markov model which detects the random tokens based on their probabilities. To validate the efficiency of these approaches, we clustered the commands using their word embeddings and sentence embeddings. For clustering, we explored KMeans, and DBScan with word embeddings and sentence clustering based on sentence embeddings. We evaluated the performance of clustering algorithms against three metrics, the Silhouette Coefficient, the Calinski-Harabasz Index, and the Davies-Bouldin Index. The results show that regular expression and the Markov model achieve the same scores for KMeans and DBScan based on word embeddings against three metrics, whereas when clustered using sentence embeddings, the Markov model performs better than regular expression. These results validate our idea of using the Markov model instead of regular expressions, to get similar scores or even better performance with less resource utilization, such as human effort, time to write regular expressions, and maintaining & storage of those regular expressions.
Markov model,Command-Line,Commands,Regular Expressions,Clustering,Word Embeddings,Sentence Embeddings,Randomness,Random Tokens
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