Quantum Serious Games to Boost Quantum Literacy within Computational Thinking 2.0 Framework.


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Quantum mechanics is a revolutionary scientific field, which lies at the crossroad section of Physics, Mathematics, Computer and Computational Science. In essence, it is considered a cross-disciplinary STEM field, advancing the philosophy of Quantum Literacy (QL), which addresses the transdisciplinary nature of real world complex problems. QL addresses the challenges of learning and skills acquisition, through specific computing activities, within a highly bounded discipline and of access to the kind of powerful knowledge that should be more accessible to a wide group of learners. It is therefore important that quantum computing and quantum technologies knowledge is accessible to students and teachers who work with real problems, in a more inclusive and interactive way. In this paper, we argue for the necessity of exposing students to new and powerful quantum tools, as provided by cutting edge quantum computing technologies. We do that by proposing contemporary and STEM related activities and gamification scenarios, in which they acquire stronger mathematical and computational - problem decomposition and modelling skills, working as real researchers. By engaging students in games and activities related to quantum computing and quantum information processing, they acquire all necessary knowledge related to: superposition, teleportation, entanglement, quantum gates and quantum information. The serious games proposed in this paper relates to quantum strategic games, necessary for STEM activities to train students within the computational thinking 2.0 framework. All scenarios were implemented using the didactic model of inquiry-based learning using Python libraries.
Quantum Games,Quantum Literacy,Computational Thinking 2.0,Python
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