A Compact Model for the Variable Switching Dynamics of HfO2 Memristors

2022 IEEE 65th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)(2022)

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This paper presents a novel comprehensive circuit simulation model for the hafnium-dioxide (HfO 2 ) based memristor device. HfO 2 memristors exhibit stochasticity and variability in resistance values, both in Low Resistance State (LRS) and High Resistance State (HRS), limiting their usage and performance. Based on the experimental data, the LRS and HRS variability are also influenced by the current compliance and reset voltage of these devices. The proposed Verilog-A model incorporates LRS/HRS variability and stochasticity into the resistance switching dynamics to help the circuit designer assess reliability. The model is based on empirical data and verified by the experimental measurements of HfO 2 memristors fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS/memristor process manufactured by SUNY Polytechnic Institute. It also captures the temperature dependency of the device making it a more comprehensive model. Simulation results show excellent agreement with experimental measurements. The model also verifies the tunabilty of LRS and HRS through the compliance current and magnitude of reset voltage, respectively. The I-V characteristic along with ITIR circuit simulation results for the device followed by benchmarking circuit simulation for demonstrating convergence in Cadence Spectre are also presented.
memristors,variable switching dynamics
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