Using FTA Cards as a Rapid and Field Tool for Detection and Serotyping of Foot-and-mouth Disease Virus in Libya


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Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a viral disease, widespread and highly contagious affecting mainly cloven-hoofed domestic and wild animals. FMD can lead to high economic losses due to reduction in animals’ production such as drop of milk production, loss of body weight and high mortality rate in young ruminants. Sixteen nasal swabs and epithelial tissues were collected from animals showing typical clinical signs of FMD during the last FMD outbreak in Libya in 2018-2019. Blood samples, swabs and epithelial tissues impressions on Flinders Technology Associates (FTA) cards were shipped to the FMD Reference laboratory in Brescia, Italy, and tested for the detection of FMD viruses. Nucleic acids were extracted from the FTA cards and molecular testing of the examined FTA cards confirmed that the FMD virus circulating in Libya was serotype O. Sequencing analysis of the FMD virus VP1 gene confirmed that FMD virus strain was serotype O/East Africa 3 (O/EA-3) topotype. The phylogenetic of the VP-1 gene of the FMD virus showed very high nucleotide identity (99.8%) between the virus circulating in Libya and the Algerian FMD virus strains isolated in Algeria on 2018 and 2019.
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