Implementation of a robotic assistant to develop and monitor learning activities in children with autism.

2022 8th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference (IESTEC)(2022)

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Hookie is a social robot, which has been successfully used in therapy sessions with children with high-functioning ASD in the social and educational field at the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital, Barcelona. Currently in Panama, the Ann Sullivan Center of Panama (CASPAN), the Technological University of Panama (UTP) and Tufts University in Boston are collaborating in an exploratory study with the Hookie Robotic Platform in CASPAN classrooms. General methodology: 1) Interviews were conducted with specialists about the current needs of CASPAN in the classrooms. 2) The institution chose students in the range of 3 to 11 years old who fit the criteria to be evaluated on their interaction with the Hookie robot. 3) With the direction of the specialist, the robot was incorporated into the classroom as another student. 4) It was observed in which objectives could support the robot and allow the evaluation of the student-robot. 5) The actions of the robot were modified and adjusted to coincide or not with the student's objectives. Result: 1) Good acceptance on the part of the specialists in the use of Hookie. 2) Registration of new interactions on the part of certain students that previously did not respond with the other robots that reside in CASPAN.
Social Robotics, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning, Robot, Robotic Assistant, Education, Social Skills
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