RASTOOL project, tools for the Copernicus European Ground Motion Service exploitation


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<p>The aim of this work is to present RASTOOL (EGMS RASTOOL: European ground motion risk assessment tool), a project co-financed by the EU-Union Civil Protection Mechanism. The Copernicus European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) represents a remarkable source of knowledge for the geohazard community. It provides consistent, regular, and reliable information on natural and anthropogenic ground motion phenomena over Europe, with millimetric accuracy (https://land.copernicus.eu/pan-european/european-ground-motion-service). The EGMS provides satellite interferometric products, with an annual updating, and a free and open policy. The availability of this vast amount of data is valuable for the scientific community but difficult to be exploited in the regular activities of territorial managers or Civil Protection Authorities. In fact, interferometric data interpretation might be challenging and time consuming, demanding a high level of expertise and a specific background. In this context, RASTOOL aims to develop a set of tools for simplifying the usage of the EGMS products, to automatically analyse them and to generate maps to support hazard, exposure, and risk-assessment against geohazards (both natural and anthropogenic). The tools developed in the frame of previous projects (Safety, U-Geohaz, Momit) will be improved to be easily applied to the EGMS products and integrated with new ones.</p>
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