A case series of double-chambered left ventricle detected by cardiovascular magnetic resonance


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Background Double-chambered left ventricle (DCLV) is a rare congenital condition, and few case reports are mentioned in literature. Entity, clinical course, and prognosis remain unclear. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is often used for characterization of various congenital heart diseases and can be particularly useful for imaging rare phenomena. Case summary Three cases of DCLV were detected by CMR within 2 years in our CMR centre with and without associated congenital heart disease or hypertrabecularization. The patients did not suffer from cardiac symptoms despite the presence of premature ventricular complexes in one patient. Diagnosis of DCLV was made based on a first CMR study that was performed in adulthood, although some anatomical suspicion was already raised by previous echocardiography. Discussion Double-chambered left ventricle, synonymous with the terminus 'cor triventriculare sinistrum', has been previously perceived as a rare phenomenon compared with double-chambered right ventricle. It has to be distinguished from ventricular aneurysm or cardiac diverticulum and is characterized by an additional contractile septum with normal wall structure that divides the LV cavum into two (rather) same-sized chambers. The prognosis seems to be benign, since there is no restriction in functionality and no increased thrombogenicity until adulthood. Consequently, there is (presumably) no need for a tailored therapy-at least in the cases present here. Accordingly, we recommend follow-up CMR examinations for progress monitoring and recognize CMR's significant role for diagnosis and follow-up of cardiac abnormalities in orphan diseases. Due to its broader availability, we expect further cases of DLVC in the future.
left ventricle,magnetic resonance,double-chambered
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