Longshot: Indexing Growing Databases using MPC and Differential Privacy.

Proc. VLDB Endow.(2023)

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In this work, we propose Longshot, a novel design for secure out-sourced database systems that supports ad-hoc queries through the use of secure multi-party computation and differential privacy. By combining these two techniques, we build and maintain data structures (i.e., synopses, indexes, and stores) that improve query execution efficiency while maintaining strong privacy and security guarantees. As new data records are uploaded by data owners, these data structures are continually updated by Longshot using novel algorithms that leverage bounded information leakage to minimize the use of expensive cryptographic protocols. Furthermore, Longshot organizes the data structures as a hierarchical tree based on when the update occurred, allowing for update strategies that provide logarithmic error over time. Through this approach, Longshot introduces a tunable three-way trade-off between privacy, accuracy, and efficiency. Our experimental results confirm that our optimizations are not only asymptotic improvements but also observable in practice. In particular, we see a 5x efficiency improvement to update our data structures even when the number of updates is less than 200. Moreover, the data structures significantly improve query runtimes over time, about similar to 10(3)x faster compared to the baseline after 20 updates.
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