Quantum simulations of SO(5) many-fermion systems using qudits


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Background: The structure and dynamics of many -body systems are the result of a delicate interplay between underlying interactions. Fermionic pairing, for example, plays a central role in various physical systems, ranging from condensed matter to nuclear systems, where it can lead to collective phenomena such as superconductivity and superfluidity. In atomic nuclei, the interplay between pairing and particle -hole interactions leads to a high degree of complexity and intricate entanglement structures. Despite this apparent complexity, symmetries emerge and manifest themselves in observable regular patterns. These symmetries and their breakings have long been used to determine relevant degrees of freedom and simplify classical descriptions of many -body systems. Purpose: This work explores the potential utility of quantum computers with arrays of qudits in simulating interacting fermionic systems, when the qudits can naturally map the relevant degrees of freedom determined by an underlying symmetry group. Method: The Agassi model of fermions interacting via particle -hole and pairing interactions is based on an underlying so(5) algebra. Such systems can intuitively be partitioned into pairs of modes with five basis states, which thus naturally map to arrays of d = 5 qudits (qu5its). Classical noiseless simulations of the time evolution of systems with up to twelve qu5its are performed, by implementing quantum circuits that are developed herein, using PYTHON codes invoking Google's CIRQ software. The resource requirements of the qu5it circuits are analyzed and compared with two different mappings to qubit systems: a physics -aware Jordan-Wigner mapping requiring four qubits per mode pair and a state -to -state mapping requiring three qubits per mode pair. Results: While the dimensionality of Hilbert spaces in mappings to qu5it systems are less than those for the corresponding qubit systems, the number of entangling operations, depending on the available hardware, can either be greater or smaller than for the physics -aware Jordan-Wigner mapping. The state -to -state mapping, while having a smaller Hilbert space than Jordan-Wigner mappings, appears to be the least efficient in gate counts. Further, a previously unknown sign problem has been identified from Trotterization errors in time evolving high-energy excitations. Conclusions: There appear to be advantages in employing quantum computers with arrays of qudits to perform simulations of many -body dynamics that exploit the role of underlying symmetries, specifically in lowering the required quantum resources and in reducing anticipated errors that take the simulation out of the physical space. If the necessary entangling gates are not directly supported by the hardware, physics -aware mappings to qubits may, however, be advantageous for other aspects.
quantum simulations,qudits,many-fermion
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