Question-answering system extracts information on injection drug use from clinical notes

Maria Mahbub,Ian Goethert,Ioana Danciu,Kathryn Knight,Sudarshan Srinivasan,Suzanne Tamang, Karine Rozenberg-Ben-Dror, Hugo Solares, Susana Martins, Jodie Trafton,Edmon Begoli,Gregory D. Peterson


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Background Injection drug use (IDU) can increase mortality and morbidity. Therefore, identifying IDU early and initiating harm reduction interventions can benefit individuals at risk. However, extracting IDU behaviors from patients' electronic health records (EHR) is difficult because there is no other structured data available, such as International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes, and IDU is most often documented in unstructured free-text clinical notes. Although natural language processing can efficiently extract this information from unstructured data, there are no validated tools.Methods To address this gap in clinical information, we design a question-answering (QA) framework to extract information on IDU from clinical notes for use in clinical operations. Our framework involves two main steps: (1) generating a gold-standard QA dataset and (2) developing and testing the QA model. We use 2323 clinical notes of 1145 patients curated from the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Corporate Data Warehouse to construct the gold-standard dataset for developing and evaluating the QA model. We also demonstrate the QA model's ability to extract IDU-related information from temporally out-of-distribution data.Results Here, we show that for a strict match between gold-standard and predicted answers, the QA model achieves a 51.65% F1 score. For a relaxed match between the gold-standard and predicted answers, the QA model obtains a 78.03% F1 score, along with 85.38% Precision and 79.02% Recall scores. Moreover, the QA model demonstrates consistent performance when subjected to temporally out-of-distribution data.Conclusions Our study introduces a QA framework designed to extract IDU information from clinical notes, aiming to enhance the accurate and efficient detection of people who inject drugs, extract relevant information, and ultimately facilitate informed patient care. There are many health risks associated with injection drug use (IDU). Identifying people who inject drugs early can reduce the likelihood of these issues arising. However, extracting information about any possible IDU from a person's electronic health records can be difficult because the information is often in text-based general clinical notes rather than provided in a particular section of the record or as numerical data. Manually extracting information from these notes is time-consuming and inefficient. We used a computational method to train computer software to be able to extract IDU details. Potentially, this approach could be used by healthcare providers to more efficiently and accurately identify people who inject drugs, and therefore provide better advice and medical care. Mahbub et al. introduce a question-answering framework to extract injection drug use (IDU) details from unstructured clinical notes. The proposed framework demonstrates high performance and extracts IDU details efficiently, facilitating informed care for those who inject drugs.
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