HLPW-4: Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulation and Lattice-Boltzmann Technology Focus Group Workshop Summary


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A summary of the nine submissions to the Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulation and Lattice-Boltzmann (WMLESLB) Technical Focus Group (TFG) at the 4th High lift Prediction Workshop is provided. The focus of this TFG was to assess the current capabilities of WMLES and LB methods on a complex high-lift configuration across a wide range of angles of attack. Analysis of the submitted data suggests that >250 M spatial degrees of freedom are needed to accurately predict pitching moments at high angles of attack due to large pressure gradients present on the outboard slat and main element for a > 17 degrees (corrected for free-air). While some scatter is reported in pitching moment coefficient at the low-angles of attack (a < 11), excellent agreement is observed between submissions near the CL; max state. Objective superiority of WMLES methods over Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) can be seen in terms of lack of excess outboard separation; a majority of the WMLES and LB submissions predict wedge-shaped separation patterns consistent with the experimental oil flow. The in-tunnel simulations show excellent agreement with the experiment in terms of a) integrated loads, b) surface flow-topology, and c) mechanism for the onset of inboard stall. Further evidence is provided to demonstrate both qualitative and quantitative superiority of the WMLES submissions over RANS.
Computational Fluid Dynamics,Aerodynamic Loads,Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes,Aerodynamic Performance,High Aspect Ratio,Boundary Layer Thickness,Aircraft Components and Structure,Aircraft Wing Components,Fluid Mechanics,Fluid Flow Properties
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