Simulating Cyber Attacks and Designing Malware using Python

Akash Ankit, Shubham Inder, Anuj Sharma,Rahul Johari,Deo Prakash Vidyarthi

2023 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)(2023)

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In this Internet era, we have become heavily dependent on the World Wide Web and it has become a basic amenity for humans. A normal user can be trapped easily in this vicious web if not careful enough. It is a field that requires users to be on their toes every time they try to connect to this enormous interconnection of networks. Reports and Surveys have said that in the coming years, Cybercrime could become the biggest threat. In this proposed work, the authors have deployed applications and designed malware for the purpose of simulating various kinds of cyber-attacks so that they could study their effects & affects and ultimately devise solutions to resolve the vulnerabilities in a system. These applications included networking concepts & protocols and a software based keylogger which was developed with no malicious intent, but to analyse the architectural view or design of a malware and to study the stages of a malware attack like entry, distribution, exploitation, infection and execution. Efforts have been made to demonstrate spooting attacks with an idea of identifying vulnerabilities and security loopholes in a particular system that can be exploited by an attacker if not resolved within time.
Cyber security,Address Resolution Protocol,Vulnerabilities,Malware Design,Networking,Network Scanner,ARP Spoofer,Packet Sniffer,Keylogger
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