Copper Accumulation Efficiency in Different Recombinant Microorganism Strains Available for Bioremediation of Heavy Metal-Polluted Waters.

International journal of molecular sciences(2023)

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The aim of this research was to investigate the bioremediation conditions of copper in synthetic water. In the present study, copper ions accumulation efficiency was determined using various genetically modified strains of (EBY100, INVSc1, BJ5465, and GRF18), (X-33, KM71H), (XL10 Gold, DH5α, and six types of BL21 (DE3)), and BL21 (DE3) OverExpress expressing two different peroxidases. Viability tests of yeast and bacterial strains showed that bacteria are viable at copper concentrations up to 2.5 mM and yeasts up to 10 mM. Optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma analysis showed that the tolerance of bacterial strains on media containing 1 mM copper was lower than the tolerance of yeast strains at the same copper concentration. The BL21 RIL strain had the best copper accumulation efficiency (4.79 mg/L of culture normalized at an optical density of 1.00), which was 1250 times more efficient than the control strain. The yeast strain BJ5465 was the most efficient in copper accumulation out of a total of six yeast strains used, accumulating over 400 times more than the negative control strain. In addition, cells that internally expressed recombinant peroxidase from were able to accumulate 400-fold more copper than cells that produced periplasmic recombinant peroxidases.
Escherichia coli,Saccharomyces cerevisiae,bioaccumulation,growth rate
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