Figure S3 from Genome-wide Copy-number Alterations in Circulating Tumor DNA as a Novel Biomarker for Patients with High-grade Serous Ovarian Cancer


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Copy number profiles comparison between the ctDNA and tDNA at time of diagnosis. For a representative case (patient 21580) the genome-wide patterns of SCNA was plotted for plasma (PL-1) and matched tumor tissues samples (A, B, C). Individual dots represent bins, whereas horizontal white lines indicate segments, covering bins of expected equal copy number. The x-axis and y-axis represent the loci of 23 chromosomes and corresponding copy numbers, in Log2 scale, respectively. The Pearson's correlation index between copy number profiles measured in the plasma and in each matched tumor biopsies is reported on the left side of the picture. The TF and CNI values are reported on the right side below each biopsy. Gray boxes highlight the two regions of focal amplification on chromosome 3 and 8. Copy number gains are represented in red; copy number losses, blue TF, tumor fraction. CNI, copy number instability. r, Pearson's correlation. p, p-value.

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