Social Dreaming Together - Envisioning Decolonised Computer Science Education.

SIGCSE (2)(2023)

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There is an increasing recognition that computing education and the profession of computing has failed indigenous learners around the world. ACM has responded to this through a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion. This Special Session progresses this work by bringing together diverse voices in panel and audience to look towards a decolonised future for CSEd. This Session integrates traditional methods of storytelling to provide context for a reframing of computing as a decolonising force. We start with sharing stories of the impact of colonised computing, then use these as motivation for envisioning the role and shape a transformation of computing education might take. The session concludes with an exercise on options for Indigenous communities and their allies such as ACM to form partnerships to empower Indigenous communities to work with industry and education to imagine a computing profession and CS education that positively contributes to thriving decolonised practice. This session is aimed at all who are interested in progressing the CS curriculum towards a thriving, equitable and inclusive CSEd experience for Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners.
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