Glycosylation-modified antigens as a tolerance-inducing vaccine platform prevent anaphylaxis in a pre-clinical model of food allergy.

Cell reports. Medicine(2023)

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The only FDA-approved oral immunotherapy for a food allergy provides protection against accidental exposure to peanuts. However, this therapy often causes discomfort or side effects and requires long-term commitment. Better preventive and therapeutic solutions are urgently needed. We develop a tolerance-inducing vaccine technology that utilizes glycosylation-modified antigens to induce antigen-specific non-responsiveness. The glycosylation-modified antigens are administered intravenously (i.v.) or subcutaneously (s.c.) and traffic to the liver or lymph nodes, respectively, leading to preferential internalization by antigen-presenting cells, educating the immune system to respond in an innocuous way. In a mouse model of cow's milk allergy, treatment with glycosylation-modified β-lactoglobulin (BLG) is effective in preventing the onset of allergy. In addition, s.c. administration of glycosylation-modified BLG shows superior safety and potential in treating existing allergies in combination with anti-CD20 co-therapy. This platform provides an antigen-specific immunomodulatory strategy to prevent and treat food allergies.
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