Cerrado and Pantanal fruit flours affect gut microbiota composition in healthy and post-COVID-19 individuals: an in vitro pilot fermentation study.

International journal of food science & technology(2023)

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Cerrado and Pantanal plants can provide fruits with high nutritional value and antioxidants. This study aims to evaluate four fruit flours (from jatobá pulp, cumbaru almond, bocaiuva pulp and bocaiuva almond) and their effects on the gut microbiota in healthy (HD) and post-COVID-19 individuals (PC). An batch system was carried out, the microbiota was analysed by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and the short-chain fatty acids ratio was determined. Furthermore, the effect of jatobá pulp flour oil (JAO) on cell viability, oxidative stress and DNA damage was investigated in a myelo-monocytic cell line. Beyond confirming a microbiota imbalance in PC, we identified flour-specific effects: (i) reduction of with jatobá extract in PC samples; (ii) decrease in with jatoba and cumbaru flours; (iii) decreasing trend of and with all flours tested, with the exception of the bocaiuva almond in HD samples for and (iv) increase in and in PC samples with bocaiuva almond flour. JAO displayed antioxidant properties protecting cells from daunorubicin-induced cytotoxicity, oxidative stress and DNA damage. The promising microbiota-modulating abilities of some flours and the chemopreventive effects of JAO deserve to be further explored in human intervention studies.
Acrocomia aculeata,Dipteryx alata Vogel,Hymenaea courbaril,antioxidants,gut microbiota,short‐chain fatty acids (SCFAs)
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